A product, a future

Bokhari identity

At Bokhari, Scandinavian design and Pakistani craftsmanship are combined in beautiful quality products. In order to create safe and decent jobs for hundreds of artisans, and ensure schooling for their children, Bokhari offers quality merch and a wide range of exclusive interior and textile products all made from sustainable materials.

The intelligent use of patterns, colors and formal language creates an identity that reflects the company's philosophy in a humble and convincing way. Consequently, Bokhari is perceived as a quality brand.

The DOGA Award Jury
Bokhari 01

Bokhari's exemplary business model stands as a testament to the seamless integration of contemporary Scandinavian textile design with ethical production practices and a profound commitment to social responsibility. Beyond the creation of sought-after products, Bokhari's impact extends far and wide, touching the lives of its 450 employees, predominantly women, the nearly 1,000 students attending the adjacent school, and over 5,000 individuals who benefit from access to clean drinking water daily. For these individuals, Bokhari symbolizes more than just a brand; it embodies hope in the everyday and serves as a catalyst for brighter futures.

People. Planet. Prosperity.

Bokhari fabrikk 3647

«Det har vært et privilegium å få være en del av Tanks "Gratis-med-vilje"-initiativ. Fra idé til visjon til konkret resultat. De utrolig dyktige designerne hos Tank var med oss hele veien i arbeidet med å utvikle en ny visuell identitet for Bokhari. Gjennom sin imponerende kreativitet har Tank bidratt til å åpne helt nye muligheter og gitt oss det beste utgangspunktet for å videreutvikle Bokhari sin identitet til den globale merkevaren vi ønsker å satse videre på – med fokus på bærekraft, mennesker og sosialt engasjement.»

Amar Bokhari